Friday, December 4, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
The idea of controlling the screen and becoming a god complex in its own right. As we are the eyes of our own world and go where we wish to go. This is because we want our virtual us to have as much control as we do so that we become more enveloped by us in that space there for an addiction happens. The idea of bringing the self to life with in the window or screen to show that we are able to react and that we can create our own movies in away. This idea of motion helps us connect that is why we love the TV is because we see moving breathing people we can relate to at times. Also, the same goes for paintings as we watch painting to see the persons interaction with each other so we can see some relation. Paintings have something called premeditated movement we can see what they are going to do in the movements in paintings. So in virtual reality we can start to see where those movements get us.
Durer with photography shows that he doesn't have a real respect for the liveliness of painting because it doesn't capture that movement. THough i would have to say that paintings allow a more idea of movement through the perspective of a few people. The idea of photography taking over is because everyone could afford it and take their own pictures. The idea of there own pictures shows their own perspective of the world and movement. With the camera the user is a button to take the picture. But with the use of computers you can become one with the interactive world as in joy sticks and mouses. With VR simulation becomes stimulation. What this means is we can have emotions within VR.
Durer with photography shows that he doesn't have a real respect for the liveliness of painting because it doesn't capture that movement. THough i would have to say that paintings allow a more idea of movement through the perspective of a few people. The idea of photography taking over is because everyone could afford it and take their own pictures. The idea of there own pictures shows their own perspective of the world and movement. With the camera the user is a button to take the picture. But with the use of computers you can become one with the interactive world as in joy sticks and mouses. With VR simulation becomes stimulation. What this means is we can have emotions within VR.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Computers provide us with a world to enter one that has no really boundaries except for how far we have advanced in coding and realism. We have become addicted to our computers and rely on them to give us information and to help us in keeping in touch with people who live miles away. This allows for a more convenient life style, but to make it more convenient we have transformed the computer and internet into almost a real world tool. Most websites are trying to go in a format that relates to the human condition of web use. What we have learned we will know thus allowing people to create things based around these laws. Though more people are breaking out and trying new things such as, making the web world seem more like real life by using commonly known textures, or how everything is formed to look like a home. This idea is great the only problem is it is never really like reality due to the separation through the screen and it will only be framed within this world.
The idea of having multiple screens on a computer is a brilliant idea due to the fact that it allows the user to choose what they want to see and how they wish to view it. Shall the picture plane be smaller or larger to fit the whole screen. This idea of freedom takes away from the illusionistic qualities as well. I see it as giving them freedom allows a viewer to be submerged in one thing but can also leave that illusion and seek out another one. This causes problems as the viewer is not getting the whole effect due to distractions.
Yes, I agree that the computer screen allows for the story to be told behind the screen that is projected to the viewer. Though in the ways of web the viewer is not seeing it as a cinematic screen or an illusion because they have the option of staying liner or becoming non-liner and producing their own illusion. This is where our user experience helps a designer rethink ideas to keep us interested in what there is to look at and how we are support to perceive this. So new designs are thought up and used based on us the user. You do not see that in any other technology where the user is the real player in what is created through out. Yes, they make new TV shows...but they never look to the viewer for ideas. Yes, new tv's are made but that is due to technology becoming higher quality. But, it is through web that designers and web gurus really look at the viewers for inspiration and praise in what they do. This inspiration leads to more ideas such as taking something 2-D and showing it as 3-D. This allows the user to fully experience what the creation is by seeing it at many different angles. This keeps the viewers attention because they are used to seeing this 3-D effect in real life which causes more relation to the work. Also, the idea of 3-D creates more of an illusion because they view it as a real time object even though its placed on a screen. This screen doesn't stop the viewer from exploring every corner and color of the new model. So in a way the screen is becoming just a frame it is what is inside of it that makes it so unique because we can relate to it so we create our own illusions.
The idea of having multiple screens on a computer is a brilliant idea due to the fact that it allows the user to choose what they want to see and how they wish to view it. Shall the picture plane be smaller or larger to fit the whole screen. This idea of freedom takes away from the illusionistic qualities as well. I see it as giving them freedom allows a viewer to be submerged in one thing but can also leave that illusion and seek out another one. This causes problems as the viewer is not getting the whole effect due to distractions.
Yes, I agree that the computer screen allows for the story to be told behind the screen that is projected to the viewer. Though in the ways of web the viewer is not seeing it as a cinematic screen or an illusion because they have the option of staying liner or becoming non-liner and producing their own illusion. This is where our user experience helps a designer rethink ideas to keep us interested in what there is to look at and how we are support to perceive this. So new designs are thought up and used based on us the user. You do not see that in any other technology where the user is the real player in what is created through out. Yes, they make new TV shows...but they never look to the viewer for ideas. Yes, new tv's are made but that is due to technology becoming higher quality. But, it is through web that designers and web gurus really look at the viewers for inspiration and praise in what they do. This inspiration leads to more ideas such as taking something 2-D and showing it as 3-D. This allows the user to fully experience what the creation is by seeing it at many different angles. This keeps the viewers attention because they are used to seeing this 3-D effect in real life which causes more relation to the work. Also, the idea of 3-D creates more of an illusion because they view it as a real time object even though its placed on a screen. This screen doesn't stop the viewer from exploring every corner and color of the new model. So in a way the screen is becoming just a frame it is what is inside of it that makes it so unique because we can relate to it so we create our own illusions.
Monday, November 16, 2009
We are born into new media so we are attracted to it through the objects that within; what is being sold, favorite shows, commercials, and narrations. Through understanding one media you have the ability to learn another media. It is interesting how we interact with the web as if it is a living entity sending emails, using it to talk to friends on a chat, or even reading stories. Because the experience is what makes the web unique it thus allows the user to become apart of the world and the narration or experience rather than just an observer. One has to make sure that the illusion is strong within the website as i have learned from previous readings. The illusion is what attracts a user and keeps them in because they are experiencing the illusion and falling for it as well as enjoying it.
Learning the ways of interface is unique in that it seems to change a website slowly or fast there is no in-between. By slow meaning the website changes over a duration of time such as buttons at first then the color of the screen allowing a user to slowly adapt to the new form. The other method the faster way is when a website its put up or changed drastically there is no time for the user to adapt they have to figure it out all over again. This can be frustrating to a user because of the new interface though if there is interaction that allows the user to feel in control i think that they adapt to the programing much quicker because they can decide how they want to take in all the new information.
When it comes to computers adapting to other media that is not true. Media adapts to computers. This is because the power of cinema has done all that it can do and looks to do more with CGI and VRML They want to not only control how you view something and how you perceive but also how you see the world by creating it for you. This happens not only in cinema but also in video games. The user in both these mediums only have so much control though in video games it becomes more than cinema. Within cinema you are shown how the director wants you to see it and the same goes for video games. Video games how ever give you different options, such as how to view something, options to interact with other characters, and how your story will end up due to your choices. The only draw back is it is not true freedom because you are still being controlled by the director and writer. You can only go down so many paths and do so many things before it gets old. VRML on computers how ever become more of a freedom. This goes for secondlife which i play. Second life allows a user to choose what they want to do and how they wish to do it. Yes somethings are controlled such as how your camera works to view the Virtual reality but there is more of a soul to it. Because how you interact with people really reflects on you because it is you. Yes it may be pixels but there is still a person behind that who can make conscious decisions with out being told.
Also, what i have noticed is that in cinema there are different ways of viewing things such as in theaters or on the TV and it comes in different forms such as DVD, VHS, Blue-Ray, or AVI. There is a different idea to this because you are using movies as an investment you are paying money to really get into the movie. You perceive the illusion in a movie theater less but when you are at home you are swallowed in. Why? THis is because you can hear people eating popcorn or a baby crying every so often in a movie theater and your world of illusion is broken and their for becomes a waist of money. How ever the world of the internet allows you to view websites in your own comfort zone and on your own time without any distractions allowing a user to really get into the illusion of the website. Only there is a problem here, the problem is not for the user but for the developer of the website. They have to constantly ask the questions of how do i get them to stay? how do i get them to read over everything and understand what I'm trying to say? and How much control do I want to give to the user? These questions are all asked and they come down to... How can you make a user invest their time to your website. It is the investment that is important..the more a person invests into something the more they pay attention. More websites are doing this by allowing the user to control how the webpage looks for them. creating forums to talk about different information and also forming bonds with other people that use the same website. These become some investments to keep users around and keep their attention.
Bodoni Poster
ziba packaging
branding project
visual advocacy project
collections site
type tests- Skulls
Type conference items
bike booklet- partner Justin B.
Wright- design book
Writer based website-Epple
Degree project
shuttle cocks project
Options for categories: Packaging-web-design systems- branding- experiments-print media.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Project title:
Drawing attention to the risk of suicide: being aware of the potential suicide victims around us.
(Put name here) this is an advocacy project aimed at preventing suicides using strategically placed information tags that inform the public about how close we all are to potential suicide victims. The question I posed was how can graphic design help suicide prevention? The answer came in the form of retail store sale tags that are redesigned to contain information about suicide. This campaign targets shoppers within their environment. The information consists of percentages to help the tag fit into its environment and yet stand out for the viewer to spot. These tags include important information such as the website and a phone number to call for help or as an outlet.
- 639 characters.

Drawing attention to the risk of suicide: being aware of the potential suicide victims around us.
(Put name here) this is an advocacy project aimed at preventing suicides using strategically placed information tags that inform the public about how close we all are to potential suicide victims. The question I posed was how can graphic design help suicide prevention? The answer came in the form of retail store sale tags that are redesigned to contain information about suicide. This campaign targets shoppers within their environment. The information consists of percentages to help the tag fit into its environment and yet stand out for the viewer to spot. These tags include important information such as the website and a phone number to call for help or as an outlet.
- 639 characters.
DS: A change in Directions
I changed the idea because I felt that it did not work. The logo was not communicating what i was trying to say. Also, my color choices were too close as well as they prevented sustainability in printing. So trying this new path.

Monday, October 12, 2009
VA: Suicide PRevention
my first tests the link to prezi:
the PDF items:
Learned: this is not the method because I am not reaching a lot of audiences by using these items also the true or false no one would take the time to really look at these questions and go through all of them. Perhaps giving them all the facts in short bursts to help them soak it in faster.
the PDF items:

Learned: this is not the method because I am not reaching a lot of audiences by using these items also the true or false no one would take the time to really look at these questions and go through all of them. Perhaps giving them all the facts in short bursts to help them soak it in faster.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Multi Media (Out/in world ideas)
1. Needs: For knowledge on the spot of an object or antique they wish to know more about such as price, quality, and history.
Different antiquers on the website uploads objects and object information to a data base. This is based on the ideal of Wiki group trusting and maintaining. People would be able to use a specially crafted magnifying glass that uses a built in wifi connection to the data base. When people point the magnifying glass at an object at an antique shop (like a flash gordon lunch box) by pressing a button on the magnifying glass they pull up information read out on the on the object on the glass around the object. So it helps to identify an antique by depends on the collective for the correct information.
2. Needs: Knowing the best places to go to and explore. A ratting system for different important things would help in the factor of knowing the best places to go to.
Place mapping providing iphone/gps mapping of all the different antique shops (the magnifying glass when used a number of times 5x will plot the point) Also users that are on the website are allowed to add shops and rate them on a bases.
rating by
cost : is it expensive or cheep?
location: is it easy to get too or is parking easy?
specialty: does it have more industrial stuff or any other types?
quality: is it going to allow for good quality items or low items?
3.Needs: To see what the shop contains and what other people may find interesting before visiting the shop. Keeps form being let down from all the hype people verbally place on a specific shop.
Tagging shops by photographs so when looking at shops online you also get images to see what they have before going.
4. Needs: People looking for specific gift items or things for their collection with out having to hunt for them because of a time limit or other factors.
Playing with tagged words like green, happy, panted, owl- this will bring up different pictures of users and vendors items along with the store its located in: like River market vender number #5568 easy to find taking the hunt and makes searching easy if you are looking for a specific gift or object.
5. Needs: For some users the way an object may look in the home is the important idea. To do this they need pictures of their home and color arrangement to know what would look and work best in their home environment.
Matching system taking a picture of the wall in your home or a chair and having image cutting and pasting options allowing you to take a picture of the painting and cropping i against the chair to see if it works in over all style.
6. Needs: Some antiquers are also creators a collaboration between different artistic and creative users through a step by step process to create new things form used items.
tutorial videos text image or workshops on how to produce your very own style like steam punk or ratting.
7. Needs: Collecting relationships are a big part of antiquing. To be able to meet other people that have the same interests even on multiple levels would help connect and collaborate on expanding users collections.
Creating a mapping universe of collectors- such as sara owns a Gumby lunch box....This shows how many other register users have the same lunch box. then it branches off sara may also have a pee wee herman doll and from that image it branches off on people this allows to see who you really relate to by a webbing of objects and people who relate to them by ownership.
If you have feed back please post!!
Different antiquers on the website uploads objects and object information to a data base. This is based on the ideal of Wiki group trusting and maintaining. People would be able to use a specially crafted magnifying glass that uses a built in wifi connection to the data base. When people point the magnifying glass at an object at an antique shop (like a flash gordon lunch box) by pressing a button on the magnifying glass they pull up information read out on the on the object on the glass around the object. So it helps to identify an antique by depends on the collective for the correct information.
2. Needs: Knowing the best places to go to and explore. A ratting system for different important things would help in the factor of knowing the best places to go to.
Place mapping providing iphone/gps mapping of all the different antique shops (the magnifying glass when used a number of times 5x will plot the point) Also users that are on the website are allowed to add shops and rate them on a bases.
rating by
cost : is it expensive or cheep?
location: is it easy to get too or is parking easy?
specialty: does it have more industrial stuff or any other types?
quality: is it going to allow for good quality items or low items?
3.Needs: To see what the shop contains and what other people may find interesting before visiting the shop. Keeps form being let down from all the hype people verbally place on a specific shop.
Tagging shops by photographs so when looking at shops online you also get images to see what they have before going.
4. Needs: People looking for specific gift items or things for their collection with out having to hunt for them because of a time limit or other factors.
Playing with tagged words like green, happy, panted, owl- this will bring up different pictures of users and vendors items along with the store its located in: like River market vender number #5568 easy to find taking the hunt and makes searching easy if you are looking for a specific gift or object.
5. Needs: For some users the way an object may look in the home is the important idea. To do this they need pictures of their home and color arrangement to know what would look and work best in their home environment.
Matching system taking a picture of the wall in your home or a chair and having image cutting and pasting options allowing you to take a picture of the painting and cropping i against the chair to see if it works in over all style.
6. Needs: Some antiquers are also creators a collaboration between different artistic and creative users through a step by step process to create new things form used items.
tutorial videos text image or workshops on how to produce your very own style like steam punk or ratting.
7. Needs: Collecting relationships are a big part of antiquing. To be able to meet other people that have the same interests even on multiple levels would help connect and collaborate on expanding users collections.
Creating a mapping universe of collectors- such as sara owns a Gumby lunch box....This shows how many other register users have the same lunch box. then it branches off sara may also have a pee wee herman doll and from that image it branches off on people this allows to see who you really relate to by a webbing of objects and people who relate to them by ownership.
If you have feed back please post!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Design Systems(3 concepts)
Just for noting all three of these ideas are things that relate to my life and that I would like to dive into to help both myself and others understand the syndrome(s).
Thank you.
1. Alzheimer's United
This organization helps families and family members deal with a person with Alzheimer's Syndrome. This organization will help people cope with the illness that has afflicted they're elderly relatives. The idea behind it is support from more than just family, but a group of people who are going through the exact same ordeal. To share ideas and information that can help lessen the pain and provide support. As a group they can come together to address issues that they have noticed, similar symptoms, and how to go about fixing them with the research that is out there.Alzheimer's Association provides information about how to get help and treatment, but does little to give aid to the families of the illness.
2. Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle bone syndrome)
This organization will help people with Osteogenesis to promote their own awareness as well as creating their own social networking. Most people with Osteogenesis cannot get around easily because of the dangers the world poses to their fragile bodies. This organization is to help the people with all types of osteogenesis communicate towards each other. This will help them learn more about their disease and creating strong bonds with other members who may have had the same procedures. Also, the communication will help people talk about operations and how to be prepared to allow others to be come more confident when going to the ER.OI Foundation provides information about the illness. The foundation provides support groups but not on the online factor or large seminars.
3. Duaine's Syndrome (Type 1,2,3)
This Organization will be built to inform parents about the syndrome of eye known as Duaine's Syndrome. Duaine's Syndrome is a lack of nerve development in the eye or eyes of a child. This syndrome is known about, but there is no known organization for people with Duaine's syndrome. This organization will be formed to inform parents, teens, and children about the syndrome. Also, it will allow for communication and formation of groups so that people can talk about their adaptations of the illness and how they cope with it in every day living. This organization will help adults know the signs of what type of Duaine's their child has and how to watch it to make sure it is in check.
Thank you.
1. Alzheimer's United
This organization helps families and family members deal with a person with Alzheimer's Syndrome. This organization will help people cope with the illness that has afflicted they're elderly relatives. The idea behind it is support from more than just family, but a group of people who are going through the exact same ordeal. To share ideas and information that can help lessen the pain and provide support. As a group they can come together to address issues that they have noticed, similar symptoms, and how to go about fixing them with the research that is out there.Alzheimer's Association provides information about how to get help and treatment, but does little to give aid to the families of the illness.
2. Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle bone syndrome)
This organization will help people with Osteogenesis to promote their own awareness as well as creating their own social networking. Most people with Osteogenesis cannot get around easily because of the dangers the world poses to their fragile bodies. This organization is to help the people with all types of osteogenesis communicate towards each other. This will help them learn more about their disease and creating strong bonds with other members who may have had the same procedures. Also, the communication will help people talk about operations and how to be prepared to allow others to be come more confident when going to the ER.OI Foundation provides information about the illness. The foundation provides support groups but not on the online factor or large seminars.
3. Duaine's Syndrome (Type 1,2,3)
This Organization will be built to inform parents about the syndrome of eye known as Duaine's Syndrome. Duaine's Syndrome is a lack of nerve development in the eye or eyes of a child. This syndrome is known about, but there is no known organization for people with Duaine's syndrome. This organization will be formed to inform parents, teens, and children about the syndrome. Also, it will allow for communication and formation of groups so that people can talk about their adaptations of the illness and how they cope with it in every day living. This organization will help adults know the signs of what type of Duaine's their child has and how to watch it to make sure it is in check.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Visual advocacy
Suicides in Kansas City
Suicides are on the rise all over the United States. One of the cities hit by this plight of people taking their own lives is Kansas City. Kansas City notes in a 2004 community health assessment, that Suicides are mostly caused by spouts of depression and mental health issues. The percentages are so high it is hard to believe. The methods of suicide flux in percentages and frequency of use.
First we need to look at the reasons of why more suicides are happening:
The economic crisis is putting stress on families and single people alike this causes some of them to fall over the edge and thinks there is only one way to escape.
Teens are dying from suicides at a faster rate this year than any other previous year, because of school bulling, prescription drugs that cause a metabolic imbalance, and puberty.
Short spouts of Depression cause a person to over react and take their own life. (drinking during depression seems to make this percentage go higher 24% of those who die from suicides have alcohol in their system).
Low self esteem is the leading cause in mentally healthy adults to take their own lives. This can be caused by work related harassment, medication, relationships, and unemployment.
Domestic violence is another high cause of suicides and falls under mental disorders, most children and adults that come from a domestic violent family have spouts of depression or bipolar disorder. These mental illnesses if not kept in check with medication can lead to suicides.
More suicides are caused by handguns than any other weapon or form of bodily harm.

Lastly is guilt, this is caused by stealing or killing. The fact is the person does not want to be caught by the law. he only way to Escape from persecution is by taking ones life. example
Community Health assessment 2006 for Kansas City MO.
Medscape today
Midwest Voices
Suicides are on the rise all over the United States. One of the cities hit by this plight of people taking their own lives is Kansas City. Kansas City notes in a 2004 community health assessment, that Suicides are mostly caused by spouts of depression and mental health issues. The percentages are so high it is hard to believe. The methods of suicide flux in percentages and frequency of use.
First we need to look at the reasons of why more suicides are happening:
The economic crisis is putting stress on families and single people alike this causes some of them to fall over the edge and thinks there is only one way to escape.
Teens are dying from suicides at a faster rate this year than any other previous year, because of school bulling, prescription drugs that cause a metabolic imbalance, and puberty.
Short spouts of Depression cause a person to over react and take their own life. (drinking during depression seems to make this percentage go higher 24% of those who die from suicides have alcohol in their system).
Low self esteem is the leading cause in mentally healthy adults to take their own lives. This can be caused by work related harassment, medication, relationships, and unemployment.
Domestic violence is another high cause of suicides and falls under mental disorders, most children and adults that come from a domestic violent family have spouts of depression or bipolar disorder. These mental illnesses if not kept in check with medication can lead to suicides.
More suicides are caused by handguns than any other weapon or form of bodily harm.

Lastly is guilt, this is caused by stealing or killing. The fact is the person does not want to be caught by the law. he only way to Escape from persecution is by taking ones life. example
Community Health assessment 2006 for Kansas City MO.
Medscape today
Midwest Voices
Community Model
Wiki defines antiques as items that are 50 to 100 years of age. The mental image a person may have towards the word antiques are of older people shopping, expensive items, and objects of great value. The meaning of antiques has changed over the years.
People who run antique malls or stores are putting in more modern items. It seems that its more about finding a treasure than just cashing in on valuable items. As the web has opened people up to chatting and shopping online, antiquing has made its way to the internet as well. More antiquers are turning to the web to find the objects they enjoy collecting. When it comes to going "green" antique shops have been doing so for a long time. Younger people are helping with the going green idea by buying from antique shops and reusing, rather then buying new items to just throw away later. The economic crisis calls for people to save money. One way of saving money is by exploring antique shops for the objects a person desires.
Our goal is to bring a new understanding of what antiquing is to young adults, and how it is beneficial to the environment and the economy. A way of doing this is to create an online community that allows for social networking, forming green habits (recycling and reusing), and advance antiquing among young adults.
1. Physical boundaries:
Money to buy the antiques
wanting to start a collection
part of a family ritual of antiquing
not having a lot of money to spend
knowing where an antique shop is
finding the best prices
hoping the store has the unique item a person is looking for
Making sure the time works the way you want it to
Does the antique still work
needing to physically look at the object
knowing the back ground
the love for antiquing
2. What's/ who's involved:
People from the ages of 16 to 25
Anyone who is interested in antiques, vintage items, etc.
People who collect specific objects
People who want to save money
Anyone that is looking for quality
3. Equipment needs:
paypal account
antique items
Camera to take quality pictures of goods/relics being sold
Pricing guides
Info on items that are being sold
rating on condition
4. Demographics:
Enthusiasts ages 16 to 25
Eco-friendly buyers (65% of teens are willing to pay for eco-friendly items)*
People who are looking to save money during the economic crisis
*information provided by (
5. Individual and community wants and needs:
quality assurance
collectable items
vintage stock
low prices
finding local antique shops
socializing with other antiquers*
To be able to physically touch and examine the antique
Look at the antique from more than one angle
using online outlets like Ebay or Craigslist ( draw backs no pictures are posted of the antiques they are selling, tacked on fees that drive the potential buyers away. )
They look for community suggestion outlets, a rating system, or understanding of how well this persons products are. A way to know if the person was satisfied with their buy.
* example here (
6. Symbols:
Recognizable antique items:
Optometrist's lens
pocket watch
using symbols of eras:
Victorian 1830's
Boomerang symbol from the 1950's
Hippies 1960's
Go go dancers from the 1970's
pop items from the 1980's
Art styles used:
Art Nouveau
Pop Art
Steam Punk
7. Motivation:
Act of collecting objects of interest
Thrill of the hunt
Taking other peoples treasures and making them your own
furnishing the home
using it for art
reusing the items parts to create something unique
Love for vintage clothing
enjoying the history behind an object
sentimental value ( your Grandmother may have had this antique at one time and it reminds you of her)
Buying for gifts
low prices
to create a certain look or feel in their home or environment
wanting to reuse and recycle
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Final Collection Site
I have to say I enjoyed this class very much. Took me a while to upload but I figured it all out. Enjoy looking at my site!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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