The layout for the website is going to be simple here is an example of a rough wire frame to see how it looks in simple form. I want the user to be able to access the numbers or video as soon as possible because they are the main people the website is catering too. The second group is the ones that think someone could be in trouble.

To update on my project I have found a name for my website its name is safe. The word fitting with the function of the website. These are some tests of different fonts to see what would fit the name as well as the use of it for the website.

The font chosen was Filosofia OT Italic though I started thinking what would happen if an icon took place of the name and could be used to brand all the items both on and offline.

These are some icons i have been working on for the website I feel that some of them work but others are not working for the over all appeal so they can use some help.